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Download Truespace 4.3


Download ->>->>->> the first version of the first truespace release, truespace 1.0, was launched in 1994 for windows. version 1.0 software included the basic functionality of truespace 3d modeling. features included a node-based subdivision surface modeling algorithm, level of detail (lod) features (layers, bounding boxes and boxlists), animation capabilities and the 3d effects system. this version is, by far, the most frequently downloaded one and is still supported. our team is committed to developing tools that allow you to freely explore the properties of the universe. one of the unique abilities of truespace is to graphically relate the shape and structure of objects to their size. this property allows users to perform three dimensional visualization of geometric and structural properties. if you enjoy creating new data and graphics for sales presentations and other applications, then truespace could be the tool for you! the truespace 5. tool is now included as part of the truespace enterprise suite. (1) for. a truespace nonlinear video editor which allows to import video, audio and text files as well as blend together different media. the tool also lets create animations and visualizes data. truespace. truespace is easy to use for anyone who would like to create their own data and animation in minutes. it s the perfect tool for professionals and hobbyists alike. the world of professional-quality data handling was long before truespace. but only recently have tools emerged which allow you to input data from satellites, off-road equipment, medical devices, entertainment products, mobile phones and other sources. truespace is an easy-to-use tool that can import data and video files, import text files and generate animations for your customers. with truespace, your customers can quickly create their own personalised videos to present at conferences, seminars and at web sites. this free server-based application offers all truespace capabilities. it provides a user-friendly client which is easy to use for anyone who would like to create their own data and animation in minutes.98329e995e

web site: platforms:Windows 95, Windows NT 4cost:$495download: Figure 1 TrueSpaceCaligari TrueSpace is not designed primarily as a dedicated VRML world builder,but rather as a complete modelling and rendering package. So, despitecomprehensive modelling capabilities, it lacks many of the features one wouldrequire in creating a fully featured VRML world.The package has extensive import capabilities. It can import model or scenedata in the VRML 1.0 format (.wrl), including gzipped files (.gz, .wrz), 3DStudio (.3ds, .prj, .asc), AutoCAD (.dxf), Lightwave (.lwb), Videoscape (.geo),Wavefront (.obj) and Imagine (.iob), as well as its own Caligari scene format(.scn). It can save data in Calgari (.scn), VRML 1.0 and 2.0 formats. However,note that TrueSpace 3.0 cannot load VRML 2.0 files, giving the user noopportunity to amend existing scenes.The graphical user interface is distinctive, with intensive use of icons, whichcan take a while to get used to. However, the online help is extensive and theanimated task tutorials are particularly good. The software supports multiplefloating viewport windows, with a choice of wirefame or real-time shadedrendering by either Direct3D or 3DR.The modelling tools are extensive, including Boolean operations, spline basedmodelling, collision detection for positioning, meta-balls and surfaceparticles. TrueSpace supports texture image files in BMP, TGA, TXR and JPEGformats and AVI for video. The package also includes an object library.Animations are created with key-frame, dynamics and inverse kinematics tools,However, it was not possible to ascertain whether animations were exported tothe VRML 2.0 file, since the save command was disabled on the trial version ofthe software that was tested.TrueSpace does support URL anchors, inlining and LOD and includes a publishcommand for transferring the output VRML files to the web server. It can alsooptimise VRML files when saving by removing extra spaces and unnecessarynumerical precision.4.2 Ligos V-Realm Builder 2.0web site: platforms:Windows 95, Windows NTcost:$495download: Figure 2 V-Realm BuilderV-Realm Builder is a dedicated VRML authoring tool, that allows the user totake full advantage of all the features of the VRML 2.0 language. The userinterface includes up to four viewport windows with real-time rendering(utilising OpenGL), and a graphical representation of the VRML scene graph. Theuser can directly edit this scene graph, inserting, moving, deleting nodes orchanging node properties.The application can import VRML 1.0, VRML 2.0, 3D Studio (.3ds), TrueSpace(.cob), Wavefront (.obj) and RAW (.raw) files, though the lack of an AutoCAD(.dxf) import facility is surprising. A world can only be saved in VRML 2.0format (although this was disabled on the demonstration version tested), withoptional gzip compression.V-Realm's object manipulation interface is well designed and easy to use. Anobject is selected by either clicking on it or its name in the node tree.Scaling, moving or rotating is achieved by manipulating the easily identifiabletags around the selected object. A similar manipulator tool exists for defininglight sources.The package includes a large customisable library of objects, materialproperties and textures, which the user can drag-and-drop into the scene. Itaccepts textures in GIF, JPEG and SGI RGB file formats, movies in MPEG and AVIformats, and audio as WAV and MIDI files.To create custom shapes and surfaces, there are interactive editors fordefining indexed face sets, extrusions and elevation grids. Although no Booleanoperations are available. Object behaviours and animations are added to a worldvia a key-frame editor. The user can also insert sensors, ROUTES and evenJavaScript nodes directly into the scene graph. V-Realm also supports URLanchors, LOD and PROTO nodes.4.3 Paragraph Internet Space Builder 2.1web site: platforms:Windows 95, Windows NTcost:$89.95download: *Figure 3 Internet Space BuilderInternet Space Builder (ISB) will import VRML 2.0 (.wrl), D96 (.d96) andParagraph's Virtual Home Space Builder files (.mus) as complete scenes and 3DStudio files (.3ds) as objects to be placed within an existing scene. Worldscan only be saved in the VRML 2.0 format, with the option of gzipcompression.ISB has a very easy to use interface, which takes full use of the drag-and-dropmethod for adding objects and properties to the scene. Particularly useful arethe WYSIWYG shapes, objects and texture galleries which allow the user to viewand rotate it prior to insertion into the scene.The scene can be viewed from multiple viewport windows, including plan andperspective views. The world is also represented as a hierarchical scene tree,although it does not seem to be based on VRML scene graph. The demonstrationversion of ISB, which was tested, was restricted to scenes containing a maximumof 1400 faces, 7 textures, 2 pictures, 2 movies, and 2 URLs.For object creation and manipulation, ISB allows the extrusion of 2D shapes toform 3D objects, basic Boolean operations (union and subtraction) and standardtransformations and grouping.ISB has the most advanced texture mapping features of all the packagesevaluated, but also the easiest to use. The user can interactively edit, applytransformations, vary transparency and even animate a texture. ISB accepts BMP,GIF and JPEG files for textures.However, interactivity in ISB is limited to animated textures and URL anchors.Version 2.1 does not support any behaviours or script nodes, although Paragraphintend to include these in a later release of the software. There also seems noobvious facility for adding or moving light sources.Other features include support for WAV and MIDI sound, backgrounds and apublish tool for transferring files to a web server.In conclusion, Internet Space Builder is a reasonably well featured package,backed up by good downloadable help pages from the Paragraph web site. There isa room creation emphasis, for example floor plans and household objects. Itdoes lack some advanced VRML 2.0 features, which should be rectified with laterreleases. Its drag and drop interface makes many awkward tasks simple andmultiple floating viewports make visualisation easy.*Note that Silicon Graphics, Inc. has recently acquired Paragraph Internationaland Internet Space Builder has been renamed HomeSpace Designer.4.4 Platinum VRCreator 2.0web site: platforms:Windows 95cost:Learning Edition FREE, Personal Edition $115download: _ps.htmFigure 4 VRCreatorVRCreator is available in two versions, Learning Edition and Personal Edition.Platinum have made the Learning Edition freely available on their web site, andcan be used without any time limit. The main differences in functionalitybetween the two versions are:The Learning Edition restricts the user to a maximum of 300 objects in ascene and the number of animations.The Learning Edition can read VRML 1.0 and 2.0 files and save only in theVRML 2.0 format. Whereas the Personal Edition can also import AutoCAD (.dxf),3D Studio (.3ds), TrueSpace (.cob), Wavefront (.obj) and Lightwave (.lw, .lwo,.lws) files.The embedded 3D Modeller application, for creating custom objects, is onlyavailable in the Personal Edition.VRCreator 2.0 is certainly one of the most fully featured of the packagestested, allowing the user to use the full extent of the VRML 2.0 specification.Although it should be noted that the author encountered difficulties importingsome VRML 2.0 files created with other world building software.An excellent user interface provides the user with a wealth of sceneinformation and commands, without being cluttered. The scene can be viewed frommultiple viewport windows, with real-time rendering (by the use of Microsoft'sDirect3D rendering engine). Navigating the scene is made easy via a floatingnavigation bar and a small cubic icon provides a simple and quick reference toone's orientation.An extensive library of hundreds of 3D objects, colours, textures, sounds andbehaviours (such as sensors, movements and even explosions) are accessed viathe "VR Binder". Adding an object to the scene, or applying a particularproperty is achieved through a simple drag-and-drop action.The VR Binder also contains a representation of the VRML scene graph, throughwhich the user can directly edit the nodes and their values, tools for creatingobjects, applying transformations, material properties and animations (via akey-frame editor), and a embedded VRML 2.0 browser for navigating and viewingthe animated scenes.With VRCreator, the user can define multiple viewpoints, lighting and URLanchors, use level-of-detail and switch nodes, apply BMP and JPEG textures, andinsert ROUTES and edit JavaScript scripts. Other useful features include apolygon counter, debug window for checking VRML syntax, tutorial wizards, afacility for uploading files to a web server, and file optimisation by removingextra white space.VR Creator 2.0 is the most fully featured and easy to use of the systemstested. The behaviour library makes the often complex task of adding time andmotion characteristics to scene simple. The large object library provides anexcellent resource to a potential world builder, however problems loading VRMLworlds from other software packages will need to be fixed.4.5 Rendersoft VRML Editor 1.3web site: jupbooplatforms:Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0cost:$15download:as aboveFigure 5 VRML EditorVRML Editor is a shareware product. The registered version includes extratexturing capabilities and scaling functions. Initial positive thoughts were ofthe package's low price and tiny file size (the downloaded zip file whichincluded software, help and examples was less than 700KB). The user interfaceand package reflect this though in its limited sophistication.Object and view manipulations are awkward, for example there is no facility formultiple viewports on screen at one time (a near necessity in a 3D modellingcontext), although icons do allow a certain degree of user-friendliness.However, worlds are rendered on-screen in real-time, using the OpenGL API.Import and export facilities are limited, reflecting VRML Editor's low endnature. One can only import files generated with VRML 1.0 specification, thoughsaving to both VRML 1.0 and 2.0 (.wrl) is available. In addition, it ispossible to save a 2D screen dump as a JPEG (.jpg) in 8, 16 or 24-bitcolour.With VRML Editor, you can quickly create scenes composed of cones, spheres,cubes, discs, and cylinders. Translations, scaling, colour properties andtexture maps (GIF and JPEG formats) are easily applied, with the results viewedinstantaneously. One useful feature is the ability to create three-dimensionalASCII text within the scene. However, for more complex shapes, the co-ordinatesmust be read from an external file.Whilst it is possible to create multiple light sources, it is impossible todelete any once created. Also there seems to be no facility to defineviewpoints.URL anchors can be added to these objects and a background colour defined. Butnone of the more advanced features of VRML 2.0 specification, such aslevel-of-detail or animations can be used with this program. Essentially, itseems to be a VRML 1.0 modeller with a VRML 2.0 export feature.In conclusion, this package is excellent for a VRML novice. Its file size andcost working greatly to its advantage. What it lacks in sophistication is madeup in ease of use, one is able to begin on first use to create simple VRMLscenes in a matter of a few minutes. That said, it is a package that will be"outgrown" very quickly as so many of the VRML 2.0 specification nodes areunavailable.4.6 Sculptware LLC SiteSculptor 1.0web site: platforms:Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0cost:$375download: Figure 6 SiteSculptorSculptware describe SiteSculptor as an "industrial strength" VRML authoringtool. As such, it contains many of the advanced modelling features one wouldexpect to see in a CAD application, such as Boolean operations, surfacetrimming and NURB surfaces. But the VRML-specific features are limited to URLanchors, automatic inlining of objects and determination oflevels-of-detail.One of the main strengths of SiteSculptor is its intuitive user interface. Thecommand structure is easy to follow and can be quickly learnt. The inclusion ofa "previous commands" icons list, is a particularly useful. The user can alsocustomise menus and accelerator keys. However, the package does not perform real-time rendering of the scene, whilstworking on it. This is a fundamental "minus" against it for a VRML modellingtool. In order to view a VRML scene properly, it is necessary to download andinstall a separate VRML browser plugin (Live3D).Since the import facility was disabled on the trial version evaluated, it wasnot possible to ascertain whether the package was able to import VRML 1.0 orVRML 2.0 (or both). It does accept Spider (.spd) and CadKey (.prt) file typesand is able to export successfully to VRML 2.0 (.wrl). However, its inabilityto import other commonly used 3D file formats, such as AutoCAD (.dxf) or 3DStudio (.3ds) is disappointing. Graphics Multimedia Virtual Environments Visualisation Contents

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